
Westport Precision has 7 press brakes of varying capabilities so we can make sure we run the right job on the right machine. All of our newer brakes can be programmed off-line. This saves huge amounts of setup time for each of these machines.
Our newest machine, Bystronics Xpert80 is geared for long run jobs. We have added robotics to this brake so that, once set up, it can run lights out, with the robot doing the complete bending operation itself.
Our short run workhorse is our Amada HD-ATC that automatically loads and unloads its own tools. This machine cuts the setup of traditional machines to a fraction of the time. For complicated bends and short running jobs this is the best money can buy.
Our fastest machine is an Amada EG6013. This is an electric press brake with incredible speed, reliability, and repeatability.
Call Us Today: 203-378-2175
280 Hathaway Drive, Stratford, CT 06615

- Fully Assembled Card Cages
- Electronic Enclosures
- Fully Assembled Painted Chassis
- Mammography Machine Covers
- Fully Assembled Cabinets
- Scientific Instrument Front Panels
- Block Aluminum Machined Covers
- Telecommunications Covers
- Complex Stainless Steel Chassis
- Painted and Assembled Card Cages
- Medical Device Rear Plates
- Plated and Silk Screened Enclosure Assemblies
- Aluminum Brackets

© Westport Precision, LLC®
280 Hathaway Drive
Stratford, CT 06615
Site design: Design-2-Part Web design