Laser Cutting and Punching

Westport Precision was one of the first Fabricating job shops in New England to convert to Fiber Laser and 2 years ago we added a 2nd fiber laser that’s even faster and more accurate.
Both machines are equipped to be able to finish processing parts that start out punched so we are always using the proper equipment each step of the way.
Westport has 3 turrets for high speed punching and punch forming. Our latest, installed just last year, is the full sheet 30 ton machine that has increased both our throughput and capabilities.

- Fully Assembled Card Cages
- Electronic Enclosures
- Fully Assembled Painted Chassis
- Mammography Machine Covers
- Fully Assembled Cabinets
- Scientific Instrument Front Panels
- Block Aluminum Machined Covers
- Telecommunications Covers
- Complex Stainless Steel Chassis
- Painted and Assembled Card Cages
- Medical Device Rear Plates
- Plated and Silk Screened Enclosure Assemblies
- Aluminum Brackets

Call Us Today: 203-378-2175
280 Hathaway Drive, Stratford, CT 06615

© Westport Precision, LLC®
280 Hathaway Drive
Stratford, CT 06615
Site design: Design-2-Part Web design